Carbon neutrality 2020
In view of the increased challenges we face from climate change, we have now set ourselves a considerably more ambitious target in relation to climate protection:
In 2020, we want to make emissions in our direct sphere of influence (scope 1 and 2) carbon neutral worldwide. By 2030, we then want to achieve a further improvement in terms of climate protection on the basis of the quality of the measures applied.
Our approach
The focus is placed above all on energy efficiency and generating energy ourselves from renewable sources, as these two factors constitute the major levers for achieving our climate goal. By 2030, Bosch wants to save 1.7 TWh of energy and generate 400 GWh of its energy needs from own renewable resources. In order to support the measures financially as well, the board of management of Bosch has approved an additional annual budget of 100 million euros for the period 2018 through 2030.
Green electricity and new clean power to raise the quality of our carbon neutrality
One important starting point on our path toward achieving climate neutrality at Bosch is to source “green” electricity from existing renewable energy generation facilities with the corresponding guarantee of origin. We want to consistently raise the quality of the measures by 2030, focusing on new clean power, i.e. exclusive long-term purchasing agreements with investors in new renewable energy generation facilities (e.g. wind turbines or solar parks). This way, Bosch will make an additional contribution to climate protection, as these new facilities will be built only as a result of our commitment.
Carbon offsetting as a bridging solution
The third lever for achieving our climate goal are offsetting measures (carbon credits). These are necessary to offset CO₂ emissions from combustion processes (heating, process heat). In countries in which the levers described above are not sufficiently available to achieve carbon neutrality (e.g. where green electricity can only be purchased to a limited extent), carbon offsets are also necessary. When choosing a project, we apply very high standards, such as the Gold Standard, for example. In addition, we have joined the Alliance for Development and Climate initiated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
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